The topic of the 12th Graduation Exhibition is “Double Standard.” It means the interpretations of a work of art from two different perspectives, from the creator’s and a visitor’s. It also matches the characteristic of the 12th Graduation Exhibition—diversity.
Standard varies from person to person, so visitors are expected to appreciate the works of art from their own perspectives and to break the common stereotype of exhibitions. In this environment of diverse cultures, there is no standard; each work of art is unique.
Every single person plays different roles in daily life and holds different opinions on every issue. We, as film workers, sound workers, and art creators, present this multifacetedness through our points of view.
In this design, nature symbolizes the world. The earth provides nourishment which lay the foundations for people comprehending and understanding. Then people make contributions to society and it keeps knowledge evolving in nature.
After appreciating the creators’ works, the audience deconstructs works in their minds and gets original ideas and feelings. It forms like invisible inspirations, which our lives are filled with, and drive people to create something new.
In the process of creating, people need to differentiate between right and wrong or whether the thought is good or bad. It is difficult but we think that it is like adventures in our minds. Where there is right, there is wrong. Where there is good, there is bad. In this dichotomy world, we are tolerant of and respect each other so that we could build our community and live in harmony with nature.
設計|林鑫妤 段景芸
公關|林子琳 張孝嘉 黃崇倫 吳彥成